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想到的英文翻译 想到英文怎幺说 想到的英文例句




    to think of
    to call to mind
    to anticipate

think [θiŋk]

    v.想,思索,认为 vt.认为,以为,预料

call [kɔ:l]

    n.喊声,叫声,命令,号召,访问,叫牌,通话,必要 v.呼叫,召集,称呼,认为,命名,打电话


他一向拒绝参加,所以他们自然就想到了特尔佛的那本He's always refused to partecipate so naturally they use the telfer copy.她想到了这种可能性。The possibility came across her.听着,我从未想到过要提升布里斯托Look I was never gonna move up with bristol as my supervisor anyway.一想到,他就不寒而慄。He shudder at the bare thought.因为想起藕,又联想到莼莱。Thinking of lotus root makes me think in turn of water shield.在我眼中,绿帽子只让我联想到罗宾汉的故事。Hitherto I associated green hats with robin hood of sherwood forest!啧啧,我没想到你会这样。"Tut-tut I expected better of you."只是想到了,他还是喝那一个子儿一包的碎末。Yet he only thought about it and stuck to the tea leaf sweepings which cost one cent a packet.


一想到 at the thought of

一时想到 light on; light upon

使想到 direct her whole attention to; direct his attention to; direct his whole attention to; direct my attention to; direct my whole attention to; direct our attention to; direct our whole attention to; direct their attention to

做梦也没想到的 undreamed of; undreamedof

只想到自己 full of myself

只想到自己的 full of herself; full of ourselves; full of themselves; full of yourself; full of yourselves

回想到 supply from

忽然想到 come across the mind

想到 hit upon; occurring

想到就说出 think aloud

想到要 at the prospect of

未想到 had no idea of

没有想到的 unhoped for; unthought of

片想到...就 at the thought of

突然想到 flash through

被...想到 occur to

被想到 occurred

预想到 in anticipation of

