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去掉的英文翻译 去掉英文怎幺说 去掉的英文例句




    to get rid of
    to exclude
    to eliminate

get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽

rid [rid]


exclude [ik'sklu:d]



去掉…的意义或本质To deprive of meaning or substance.确认完成后将基準标记去掉。After the confirmation remove the reference marks.如果去掉这些陈腐的比喻,你的作文读起来就要好一些。Your composition will read better if you cross out these worn-out figures of speech.如果我们去掉一个变数,则必须同时去掉一个运动方程。If we drop one variable we must also drop one equation of motion.收藏床垫、枕头之前要去掉外面的聚乙烯包装材料。Take the polythene wrappings off mattresses and pillows you are going to store away.未成熟的豆,烹饪前要去掉荚壳。Unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking.我是不是该去掉这些镣铐?Shall I remove these shackles?我想去掉这个黑痣。I want to remove a mole.要去掉粘性,可使用湿布。To remove stickiness use a damp cloth.用一把小刀,把外面的塑胶壳去掉。Using a knife peel off the outer plastic cover.用纸巾拍干蔬菜去掉多余的水分。Pat the vegetables dry with a paper towel to remove excess moisture.桌布上的那块汙迹去掉了吗?Is that dirty mark out of the tablecloth yet?


为了装配去掉装备的外套 decocoon

使去掉 rid of

去掉 aling out; be off with; be out; be out of; be rid of; have off; taken off; taken out; took off; took out

去掉两个零 decrease by two orders of magnitude

去掉外皮 de can

去掉无用的0 zero elimination; zero suppression

去掉无用的人 cut out dead wood; cut out the dead wood

通过煮沸去掉 boil off

