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expedient [ik'spi:diәnt]

    adj.有利的 n.权宜之计


基于準则而非权宜的决定A decision based on principle rather than expediency.将政治权宜之计表现的淋漓尽致Actions that represented the ultimate in political expediency.精明的;有策略的运用谨慎、权宜手段和精明的,或具有这些特徵的;有手腕的Using or marked by prudence expedience and shrewdness; artful.权宜之计暂时或临时替代其它事物的东西A temporary or expedient substitute for something else.他的政策皆受权宜考虑的支配。His policies were dictated by expedience.为了权宜而不是为了爱情而结婚。A marriage for expediency rather than love.政府陷于原则与权宜的两难之境。The government is torn between principle and expediency.作为权宜之计,今年我们不再聘用新职员。As a matter of expedience we will not be taking on any new staff this year.作为权宜之计而提供的、製作的或使用的;权宜的"Provided made or adapted as an expedient; makeshift"他们从未互相喜欢,衙业合作也只是权宜之计。They never liked each other and their business partnership was only marriage of convenience.这个工作是我找到固定工作前的权宜之计。This lob is lust a stopgap until I can find something permanent.这种安排不过是权宜之计而已。The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap.


暂定权宜之计 temporary expedient

权宜之计 expedient measure; matter of expediency; makeshift device; expedience

权宜之计的 expediential

权宜声明 expedient declaration; temporizing declaration

权宜处置权 mercy

权宜措施 temporizing measures

权宜状态 expedient state

权宜的 makedo

权宜结婚 marriage of convenience

权宜船籍 flag of convenience; flag of necessity

