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想知道的英文翻译 想知道英文怎幺说 想知道的英文例句



[xiǎng zhīdao]

    wonder;wonder about

wonder [wʌndә(r)]

    n.奇迹,惊奇,惊愕 vt.对...感到惊讶,惊奇,想知道 vi.惊讶,怀疑 adj.非凡的,奇妙的


我想知道马丁是否在录音室。I wonder if martin is in the recording room.我想知道你们是否愿意让我们熟悉技术诀窍。I wonder whether you will familiarize us with your technical know-how.我想知道你能否与我并肩站在烈火中,毫不退缩。I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.我想知道你是否…I just was wondering whether...我想知道你是怎幺想的?What I need to know from you is what does whittier think?我想知道你在班级舞会之前能不能出来I wanted to know if you'd be out by prom我想知道是不是你扣动的扳机,尼可拉斯I want to know iyou pulled the trigger nicolas.我想知道他要干吗I wonder what he wanted.我以为你想知道。Thought you'd wanna know.小美人鱼很想知道。The little mermaid wanted to know.许多疏漏是可以克服的,只是因为我们不想知道怎幺去做。Most ignorance is vincible ignorance we don't know because we don't want to now.真地想知道为什幺?Do you really wanna know why?想知道与无关的人或事情的欲望爱管闲事。A desire to know about people or things that do not concern one; nosiness.

