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向着的英文翻译 向着英文怎幺说 向着的英文例句



[xiàng zhe]

    give on;give upon

give [giv]

    n.弹性,可弯性 vt.给,授予,供给,献出,让步,引起,发表,捐助 vi.捐赠,让步


剩下的就是好的了,曼联向着3分稳步迈进。The rest was pure theatre and less panto as united cantered to the three points.他们正小心翼翼地向着敌人封锁线的某一处前进。They were heading warily to a point in the enemy line.他向着大方凳,坐在小凳上;He was sitting on a small stool with another one big and square in front.我们发现有潜在的可怕物体,向着我们飞来……We have a potential bogey with erratic vectoring...我们向着海岸游了两英里。We swam two miles inshore.我甚至看到有个老妇让我向着光跑过去I even saw that old lady telling meo run to the light.向着风吹来的方向的。Towards the side exposed to wind.向着我们遥远的憩息处开始跋涉。And towards our distant rest began to trudge.因为这个休息室没有面向着麦加,所以它不可能是一座清真寺。Because the rest house is faced away from mecca it couldn't be a mosque.


使船头向着风 haul up

向着 give upon to

向着一个目标 aim toward a goal

转过脸去向着墙 turn our face to the wall

