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想想的英文翻译 想想英文怎幺说 想想的英文例句



[xiǎng xiǎng]

    to have a think about it

think [θiŋk]

    v.想,思索,认为 vt.认为,以为,预料

about [ә'baut]


it [it]

    pron.它;Italy,义大利;Information Technology,资讯技术


我先试车,然后再想想要什幺。I'll have a test drive first then I'll see what I want.我想想看,白色桌布5000条,和以前是同一种类的。Let me see table linen 5000sets same type of set as before.现在想想,还挺遗憾的呢。Now that I think about it I'm still pretty regretful.想想花粉、豚草,还有…Just think pollen think ragweed think...想想看,炖牛肚和牛蹄吃起来该是什幺味道。Imagine trying to eat tripe and cowheel.想想你的专业信誉。Think of your professional reputation.想想你自己的家庭。Think of your own family.想想野百合花是怎样生长的;他们不必辛劳,更不必纺织。Consider the lilies of the field how they grow; they toil not neither do they spin.想想一座像布拉格的城市Imagine a city like prague vanishing...休息一会儿吧,想想一步该怎幺办。Sit back for a minute and think about how to do next.腰缠万贯时,想想那些食不果腹的人。If I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth.


他仔细地想想吧 put that in his pipe and smoke it

他们仔细地想想吧 put that in their pipe and smoke it

你们仔细地想想吧 put that in your pipe and smoke it

再想想 think again

她仔细地想想吧 put that in her pipe and smoke it

我仔细地想想吧 put that in my pipe and smoke it

我们仔细地想想吧 put that in our pipe and smoke it

