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权利能力的英文翻译 权利能力英文怎幺说 权利能力的英文例句



[quánlì nénglì]

    capacity for rights

capacity [kә'pæsiti]



是的。每个公民从出生起到死亡止都享有民事权利能力。Yes.and every citizen enjoys the capacity for civil rights from birth to death.一切自然人都具有民事权利能力和民事责任能力。Every natural person has the capacity for civil rights and civil liability.


一般权利能力 general legal capacity

公民的民事权利能力 a citizen''s capacity for civil rights

办学权利能力 capacity for enjoying the right to run schools

无权利能力 legal incapacity

权利能力 capacity for rights

民事权利能力 legal capacity for civil rights; legal capacity for private rights

法人的权利能力 legal capacity of juristic person

特殊权利能力 special capacity for rights

特殊民事权利能力 capacity for particular civil rights

立约的权利能力 legal capacity to make contract

自然人权利能力 capacity of natural persons

自然人权利能力的准据法 applicable law for the capacity of natural persons

行政诉讼权利能力 capacity for rights and obligations in administrative litigation

诉讼权利能力 capacity for litigious rights; capacity for rights of action

部门法权利能力 capacity in branch of law

