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拳击的英文翻译 拳击英文怎幺说 拳击的英文例句





boxing [bɔksiŋ]



我需要一个拳击拍挡I need a sparring partner.新闻界一贯的神经战已经成为今晚拳击赛的前奏。The lead-up to tonight's boxing match has seem the usual war of nerves in the press.现行的拳击规则是昆斯伯里侯爵于1867年提出的。The rules that govern boxing were introduced by the marquess of queensberry in1867.一记快拳在拳击比赛中的短直拳A short straight punch in boxing.一位萌发了活力和力量的拳击手正进入拳击场。21a Pugilist flushed with life and strength is entering the ring.在莱利家仓库搞拳击的人则因他的缺席而高兴。He made another discovery of treasure-trove in the library.在拳击台上被击得鲜血直流;Was battered and bloodied in the prize ring;职业拳击比赛的《昆斯伯里规则》里禁止打击对手在腰带以下的部位。It is prohibited in the queensberry rules of prize-fighting to hit below the belt.职业拳击手的手又大又壮。Pro boxers have giant meat hooks.指的是职业拳击赛The prize ring that is.重竞技项目是摔跤、拳击和举重的总称。Heavy athletics is the general name for wresting boxing and weight-lifting.着名的拳击家史密斯先生竞技状况甚佳。Mr smith the famous pugilist is in hard condition.


与...练习拳击 spar with

伯林尼塔-拳击家牌汽车 Berlinetta Boxer

伯林尼塔-拳击家牌汽车 Berlinetta Boxer

拳击 put on the gloves

拳击伤 boxing injury

拳击手套 boxing gloves fighting gloves

拳击护头具 boxer''s headguard

拳击比赛 boxing match

拳击比赛台 boxing ring

拳击运动员短裤 boxer shorts

拳击运动员长裤 boxer longs

拳击鞋 boxing shoes

用拳击中 punch on

职业拳击家 prize fighter

退让以减轻对方拳击的力量 roll with the punch

