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详述的英文翻译 详述英文怎幺说 详述的英文例句



[xiáng shù]


recount [ri'kaunt]



我们已经详述了神性的品质,阿诸那啊,现在听我讲讲魔性的品质。The divine has been described extensively now hear from me o arjuna of the demoniac.详述就一个话题详细地说或写;详述To speak or write at great length on a subject; expatiate.详述美国正在意识到气候变化重要性。Polly ghazi writes that america is waking up to the reality of climate change.这份报告详述了她的家庭背景。The report goes into her family background.na66,na67orsoc65矿砂重量详述如下:The specification for the grefco na66 na67or soc65ores by weight are:本文的第二部分详述了文学本体论。The second part dwells on the literary noumenon including structural ontology and literary essence.第一部分有详述立体化学一章。Part I is concluded by a detailed chapter on stereochemistry.你能不能把你的详述留到我们有更多时间的时候再说?Can you save your rehearsal for later when we have more time?他详述了他的专业。He amplified on his speciality.她冗长而乏味地向我们详述了她所有的麻烦。She gave us a long boring recital of all her troubles.


不另详述 not elsewhere specified NES)

详述 enter into details; enter into particulars; go into details; go into particulars; goes into details; goes into particulars; gone into details; gone into particulars; went into details; went into particulars

详述.讲清 cross her t''s; cross his t''s; cross my t''s; cross our t''s; cross their t''s; cross your t''s

详述目的 purposes stated in detail

