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箱式的英文翻译 箱式英文怎幺说 箱式的英文例句



[xiāng shì]

    box type

box [bɔks]

    n.盒子,箱,包厢,岗亭,一拳 v.装...入盒中,打耳光,拳击

type [taip]

    n.类型,典型,模範,[印刷]活字,铅字 v.打字,测定(血等)类型


我在考虑买一架箱式照相机。I am thinking of a box camera.该厂商有权在上列集装箱式货车车厢上安装一块批准牌照。Who is authorized to affix an approval plate to the above mentioned container car.我们为买新的箱式货车节约用钱。We are budgeting for a new van.就像“手提箱式”核武器Refer to it as a "suitcase nuke."


沖箱式造波机 plunger type wave generator

双头箱式缝纫机 double-head boxing machine

叠箱式底座 box-on-box type substructure

多功能箱式太阳能灶 multi-functional box-type solar cooker

快速升温箱式电炉 fast heating-up box-type electric furnace

旅游箱式太阳灶 travelling box type solar cooker

水箱式冷凝器 submerged coil condenser

水箱式拉丝机 water tank type wire drawing machine

水箱式热水器 cistern type water heater

沉箱式 caisson type

沉箱式基墩 caisson pier

沉箱式採油树 caisson type christmas tree

浮动箱式液位计 float-cage type gauge

浮箱式坞门 floating caisson, pontoon dock gate

浮箱式浮船坞 pontoon floating dock

浮箱式闸门 drydock gate

烟道气下行对流箱式加热炉 down-convection box type heater

独立阀箱式活塞泵 separate valve box type piston pump

空箱式挡土墙 boxtype retaining wall由底板、顶板、前墙、后墙和纵横隔墙构成的空箱形挡土墙。可利用空箱内充填土、水的重量来维持稳定。

箱式伸臂 box apron

箱式充气开关设备 cubicle gasinsulated switchgear

箱式冷却器 box cooler

箱式分布机 box-hopper spreader

箱式刷架 box-type brush holder

箱式压滤机 box filter press

箱式取样器 box corer

箱式坞门 caisson gate; closing pontoon

箱式带斗篷厚大衣 box coat

箱式乾燥器 box-type dryer

箱式乾燥机 chest drying machine

