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想起来的英文翻译 想起来英文怎幺说 想起来的英文例句



[xiǎng qǐlái]

    to remember
    to recall

remember [ri'membә(r)]

    vt.回忆起,铭记,纪念 vi.记得

recall [ri'kɔ:l]

    vt.回忆,回想,记起,取消 n.召回


还有,回想起来旅程不是每次都这幺可怕的。And thinking about it even the travelling wasn't always horrendous.我现在可想起来啦,赖德胡德说得闪烁其词。Now I think of it said mr.riderhood evasively.想起来了,焙盘夫人Oh yeah! The casserole lady.“噢,现在我想起来了!”"Now I recollect" said the afflicted old father;当我现在回想起来的时候。。When I think back on it now...还有,到了这个地步,他才想起来:自己还不会凫水呢。And at this point he remembered that he couldn't swim anyway.所以我们想起来附近的犹太教堂So we thought about the neighborhood synagogue.我很高兴你想起来了,莫蒂默I'm glad you remember mortimer.我想起来了,他确实说过去图卢兹。Come to think of it he did mention going to toulouse.现在我想起来了。Now I'm remembering it.这个时候,维纳斯的信徒才想起来向维纳斯女神感谢了一番。Then at last the votary of venus found words to thank the goddess.

