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[quán yīn]

    whole tone (musical interval)

whole [hәul]

    n.全部,全体,整体,完全之体系 adj.所有的,完整的,完全的,纯粹的,未损伤的,未打破的 adv.完全,整个

tone [tәun]

    n.音调,音质,语调,色调,状况,品质,语气,气氛 vt.调和,增强,以特殊腔调说,配合,定音调 vi.颜色调和

musical [mju:zik(ә)l]

    adj.音乐的,悦耳的 音乐喜剧

interval [intәv(ә)l]

    n.间隔,距离,幕间休息 n.时间间隔


视唱练习中全音阶的第四音The fourth tone of the diatonic scale in solfeggio.唱名练习中全音阶的第七个音The seventh tone in the diatonic scale in solfeggio.全音阶的与使用的八个音构成一个无变化音八度的标準大调或小调音阶有关的Of or using only the eight tones of a standard major or minor scale without chromatic deviations.全音全音阶中大二度音程的间歇;全音程The interval of a major second in the diatonic scale; a whole step.时间量是全音符的六十四分之一的一个音乐符号。A musical note having the time value of a sixty-fourth of a whole note.时间量是全音符的三十二分之一的一个音乐符号。A musical note having the time value of a thirty-second of a whole note.时间量是全音符的十六分之一的一个音乐符号。A musical note having the time value of a sixteenth of a whole note.时间量是全音符的四分之一的一个音乐符号。A musical note having the time value of a quarter of a whole note.时间量是全音符一半的一个音乐符号。A musical note having the time value of half a whole note.为一首音乐提供音调框架的任何24种大全音阶音阶或小全音阶音阶。Any of24major or minor diatonic scales that provide the tonal framework for a piece of music.在一个八度音阶以内不同全音阶乐音的任何不同固定次序。Any of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octave.增半音的比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个“半音”的Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.


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