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[xiāng qù]

    Be away from, be apart.

be [bi:]

    prep.是,在,存在 [域] Belgium ,比利时 [军] Base Ejection,弹底喷射 symb [化]铍 Be(beryllium)

away [ә'wei]



他的容貌与我想像的相去甚远Your trains are different fromHis appearance was very different than I'd expected.遗憾的是他推荐的餐厅与我们心目中的相去甚远。Unfortunately the restaurant he recommended fell far short of our expectations.这个无法与那个相比(因二者相去甚远, 不能相比)。This cannot compare with that, ie No comparison is possible because they are so different.她的行动与她的诺言相去甚远Her actions and her promises contrasted sharply, ie She did not do as she had promised.皇帝想了一会儿,就决定派他的老丞相去看那块布料。The Emperor thought a while and decided to send his old Prime Minister to see the cloth.他们的兴趣与好莱坞相去甚远。His interests are a world away from Hollywood.而这些人却都性格各异,相去殊远。But the personalities were hugely different from one another.私自打猎的人正如走私的人,都和土匪相去不远。The poacher like the smuggler smacks too strongly of the brigand.现在这些城市已与田园牧歌相去甚远,随着其平庸市名而渐渐平寂。The cities that now go by that generic name are far from arcadian.可悲的是,实际情况和故事情节相去甚远。Sadly the substance did not remotely match the storyline.

