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享年的英文翻译 享年英文怎幺说 享年的英文例句



[xiǎng nián]

    to live to the (ripe) age of

live [laiv]

    adj.活的,生动的,精力充沛的,实况转播的,点燃的 vi.活着,生活,居住,流在人们记忆中 vt.过着,度过,经历 adv.以实况地

ripe [raip]

    adj.熟的,成熟的,时机成熟的 v.成熟

age [eidʒ]

    n.年龄,成年,使用年限,同时期的人,时代 v.变老,上年纪,成熟


传奇发明家汤玛斯•爱迪生死1931。10。18,享年84岁。Legendary inventor thomas alva edison died on october181931 at the age of84.芙蕊塔莱蕾死于癌症,享年31岁。Freida riley died of hodgkin's disease at the age of31.札斯廷?达特去世时享年71岁。Justin dart died at the age of71.莱昂内尔•汉普顿去世时享年94岁。Lionel hampton dead at age94.美国爵士乐中音及高音萨克斯风演奏者,爵士乐作曲家,爵士乐团的传奇领导者班尼-卡特不幸逝世,享年95岁。Legendary alto saxophone player jazz composer and big band leader benny carter has died aged95.斯蒂芬?杰伊?古尔德去世时享年60岁。Stephen jay gould died at the age of60.1907年2月2日,季米特里•伊万诺维奇•门捷列夫逝世,享年73岁。Dmitri ivanovich mendeleev died on february2at the age of73.1910年7月31日,美国画家温斯洛•霍默去世,享年74岁。American painter winslow homer died on july31st at the age of74.1937年10月19日,新西兰核子物理学家卢瑟福逝世,享年66岁。New zealand nuclear physicist ernest rutherford died on october19at the age of66.1990年9月26日,义大利最主要小说家之一阿尔贝托•莫拉维亚逝世,享年82岁。One of the leading italian novelists alberto moravia died on september26at the age of82.普利策奖获得者、历史学家、曾任甘迺迪政府高参的亚瑟?施莱辛格去世,享年89岁。Pulitzer prize winning historian and kennedy insider arthur schlesinger has died at the age of89.

