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[qǔ zhóu]


crankshaft [kræŋkʃa:ft]



旋开曲轴上的机油分离器。Undo oil separator on the crankshaft.用油石去除曲轴箱孔上的所有锐边或毛边!Remove any sharp edges or burrs on the crankshaft case bore using an oilstone!用油石仔细剔除曲轴法兰倒棱上的小边或毛刺。Carefully remove small edges or burrs on the chamfer of the crankshaft flange with an oilstone.用于安装小型ptfe曲轴密封圈,第2代997For fitting the small ptfe crankshaft sealing ring 2nd generation997主油泵由曲轴机械驱动。The main oil pump is driven mechanically by the crankshaft.


偏置曲轴 offset crankshaft

半组合式曲轴 half built-up crank shaft

单拐曲轴 n. single throw crank shaft

单柱曲轴压力机 frame crank press

双弯曲轴 double-throw crank-shaft

双曲轴 double-crank shaft

双曲轴压力机 double-crank press

双曲轴发动机 double-crank shaft engine

双曲轴轧机 double-crank mill

双点曲轴压力机 double-point crank press

双行程曲轴 n. double throw crank shaft

发动机曲轴 engine crankshaft

右旋曲轴 right-hand crankshaft

夹紧式曲轴 split-clamp crank-shaft

实心曲轴 n. solid crank

封闭式曲轴箱压缩机 closed crankcase compressor

左旋曲轴 left-hand crankshaft

收缩焊接曲轴 n. shrunk welded crankshaft

数显曲轴磨床 digital display crank shaft grinder

整体曲轴 integral shaft

无曲轴式泵 n. crankless pump

曲轴 crankshaft

曲轴传动 crank drive

曲轴修正 reconditioning of crankshaft

曲轴减振器 crankshaft vibration damper

曲轴加工 crankshaft machining

曲轴压机 crankshaft press

曲轴压直机 crankshaft straightening press

曲轴回转 crank up

曲轴座标 curvilinear coordinate

