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沮丧的英文翻译 沮丧英文怎幺说 沮丧的英文例句





dispirited [dis'piritid]


dejected [di'jektid]



泥水匠斯塔布斯对这道使人敬畏的“法令”十分沮丧。Stubbs the plasterer was much downcast at this dreadful edict.神情沮丧而又令人沮丧的哈和韦尔,他那位被人愚弄的朋友。The depressed and depressing halliwell his put-upon friend.是一片工业城市的单调沉闷使我沮丧。It's the unrelieved drabness of big industrial cities that depresses me.他们毫不沮丧,反倒精神昂扬。They were not at all depressed but in high spirits.他那英俊的面容阴沉沮丧。His handsome countenance was overcast.她进步缓慢,使她很沮丧。The slowness of her progress discouraged her.有的人变得心绪不宁,神情沮丧,动不动就爱发牢骚。One gets unsettled depressed and inclined to be querulous.战败的军队回到家时成了一群士气沮丧的乌合之众。The defated army returned home as a demoralized rabble.这种激烈竞争使我十分沮丧。This rat race is getting me down.


令人沮丧 look bad

使...沮丧 beaten down; cast a damp over; threw cold water on; thrown cold water on

使...沮丧失望 cheesed off

使沮丧 cast a damp into; cast a damper over; dash cold water on; pour cold water on; strike a damp into; strike a damp over; throw a damp into; throw a damp over

使沮丧失望 cheese off

变得沮丧 gotten down in the mouth

因没实现...而沮丧 disappoint of

感到沮丧 feel blue

显得神色沮丧 look blue

极度沮丧状态 the slough of despond

沮丧 be in the blues; have cold feet; quail before; to her dismay; to his dismay; to my dismay; to our dismay

沮丧的 down in the dumps; down in the mouth; off her feed; off his feed; off my feed; off our feed; off their feed; off your feed

神情沮丧 be down in the dumps

精神沮丧 be in the doldrums

