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取钱的英文翻译 取钱英文怎幺说 取钱的英文例句



[qǔ qián]

    withdraw money

withdraw [wið'drɔ:]

    vt.收回,撤销 vi.缩回,退出 v.撤退

money [mʌni]



那个独裁者向人民榨取钱财。The dictator squeezed money from the people.他企图攫取钱,因此犯罪了。He tried to grasp at the money, so he committed crime.他们以给委託人办投资作为幌子捞取钱财。He stole money under colour of making investments for clients.您经常存钱和取钱吗?Do you often deposit money and draw money?欺诈骗取钱或财物;欺诈To defraud of money or property; swindle.敲诈者用丑闻作为要胁以达到从受害者身上获取钱财的目的。The blackmailer used the threat of scandal as a lever to get money from his victims.他怀着诈取钱财的目的而来。He came with intent to defraud.用这张卡,你可以在任何时候从机器里取钱。With the card you can take money out of the machine anytime.只有在美国。开着车取钱的自动柜员机刻有盲文。Do they have drive-up atm machines with braille lettering.职员:您经常存钱和取钱吗?Clerk: do you often deposit money and draw money?小孩从帐户取钱。Kid withdrawing funds from an account.在银行从你的帐号提取钱。The withdrawal of money from your account at a bank.


从帐本上取钱 draw money from an account; withdraw money from an account

从帐本上取钱 draw money from an account; withdraw money from an account

骗取钱财 defraudation

