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军需的英文翻译 军需英文怎幺说 军需的英文例句




    military material

military [militәri; (-) -teri]


material [mә'tiәriәl]

    n.材料,原料,物资,素材,布料 adj.物质的,肉体的,具体的,重要的,实质性的


他们的军需供应处于无组织状态,And that their commissariat had no organization(军需官:除非你到友军基地附近或者到指定的支援区域,否则我不能给你装备。)Quartermaster: I cannot issue a kit unless you are near a friendly base or designated supply zone.(军需官:对不起,我已经发出了所有的那类装备。要不要来杯威士卡?)Quartermaster: sorry I already issued all of those about a whiskey?的军需品,代理主管welshTons of munitions deputy director welsh.继续其他军需品的数字统计。Other munitions production figures are as follows美国华侨反对售废铁给日本的示威游行。在南洋,则有许多日资铁矿的华工集体罢工,拒绝为敌人生产军需原料。The overseas chinese in the united states demonstrated against the sale of scrap iron to japan.是恐怖角的海上补给军需品传输队Well the cape fear's a sealift munitions transport.他很快让温斯顿回到政府,成为军需品大臣。He immediately brought winston back into the government as minister of munitions.一艘军需运输船被击沉。A supply ship has been sunk.


军需 equipage

军需军官 quartermaster

军需品 military stores; military supplies

军需品生产收入 defence products revenue

军需基本法规 basic regulation on military supplies

军需官 paymaster; quartermaster

军需工业 munitional industry

军需工业金融公司 war finance corporation

军需工人 munitioner

军需工厂 munitions factory

军需法规 regulation on military supplies

军需生产 production of military supplies

军需给养报告 quartermaster demand

军需船 deopt ship

军需部长 paymaster general

军需部长英财政部主计长 paymaster general''s

军需部长财政部主计长 pm g; pmg

国防军需公司 Defense Supplies Corporation

