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屈肌的英文翻译 屈肌英文怎幺说 屈肌的英文例句



[qū jī]

    flexor;musculus flexor;flexor muscle;flaxor

flexor [fleksә(r)]



屈肌一块收缩时能弯曲身体的关节或四肢的肌肉A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body.内镜下切断屈肌支援带远侧纤维束治疗腕管综合征Endoscopic release of distal holdfast fibers of the flexor retinaculum for carpal tunnel syndrome弹奏的手指应沿着它的屈肌和伸肌形成的直线弹奏。The finger that plays should be in a straight line with its flexor and extensor muscles.


小指短屈肌 flexor digiti minimi brevis

小趾短屈肌 flexor digiti minimi brevis

尺侧腕屈肌 flexor carpi ulnaris

尾鳍屈肌 flexor caudi muscle

屈肌 flexor

屈肌总腱鞘 common flexor sheath

屈肌支持带 flexor retinaculumflexor retinaculum

拇短屈肌 flexor pollicis brevis

拇长屈肌 flexor pollicis longus

拇长屈肌腱鞘 tendinous sheath of flexor pollicis longus

指浅屈肌 flexor digitorum superficialis muscle

指深屈肌 flexor digitorum profundus muscle

指长屈肌 flexor digitorum longus muscle

桡侧腕屈肌 flexor carpi radialis

桡侧腕屈肌腱鞘 tendinous sheath of flexor carpi radialis

趾浅屈肌 flexor digitorum superficialis muscle

趾深屈肌 flexor digitorum profundus muscle

趾短屈肌 flexor digitorum brevis

趾长屈肌 flexor digitorum longus muscle

趾长屈肌腱鞘 tendinous sheath of flexor digitorum longus

