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均可的英文翻译 均可英文怎幺说 均可的英文例句




    all are OK
    both are OK
    all can

all [ɔ:l]

    adj.全部的,所有的,整个的 adv.完全,更加,越发 pron.全部

ok [әu'kei]

    adj.好,对,行 adv.好,对,可以 n.同意

both [bәuθ]

    adj.两者,双方的 pron.双方,两者


瞬态和稳态的热应力均可用这种方法测定。Both transient and steady-state thermal stress can be determined by this procedure.他人有智均可学。Accept wisdom from whomsoever it may come.拖动正圆形或正方形上的任何选择手柄均可成比例地调整该形状的大小。Drag any selection handle on a perfect circle or square to resize the shape proportionally.效率高、设计精巧耐用,任何粉类、粘液均可筛分。Hige efficiency refined design duration any powders and mucilage are suitablefor using.这4个三叶草品种均可在湖南低海拔地区种植,但以加拿大普通型红三叶最适宜推广。Rivendel white clover was abundant in nutrition but its yield was lower.纸张两面均可感光,容许製成準确的生产标本。The paper is sensitive on both sides permitting the creation of accurate dummies.轴损坏,水泵空载运行或风机故障均可导致上述现象的产生。This may be due to shaft breakage no-load operation of pumps or fan failure.


人均可支配实际收入 per capita disposable real income

均可参加 open for accession by

均可退费 full returns

平均可变成本 average variable cost

平均可变成本曲线 average variable cost curve

平均可用度 mean availability

平均可用流量 average available discharge

平均可靠寿命 mean Qpercentile life

按人口平均可支配实际收入 per capita disposable real income

