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宪章的英文翻译 宪章英文怎幺说 宪章的英文例句



[xiàn zhāng]


charter [tʃa:tә(r)]

    vt.租,包(船、车等) n.宪章


公文正式的档或宪章An official document or charter.教育是写在联合国宪章中的基本人权之一。Education is one of the basic human rights written into the united nations charter.南亚区域合作联盟宪章;Charter of the south asian association for regional cooperation;你应该阅读一下联合国宪章。You should read the charter of the united nations.纽伦堡法庭宪章和判决书;Charter and judgement of the nuremberg tribunal;全球水迴圈方面人类权利和义务世界宪章;World charter on the rights and duties of humanity in relation to the global water cycle;苏丹和埃及一体化宪章;Charter on integration between sudan and egypt;它是关于人权自由的基本宪章之一,是1791年宪法的导言。One of the basic charters of human liberties it served as the preamble to the constitution of1791.在一八一七年里,有两件事是人人知道的:伏尔泰-都格事件和鼻烟壶上刻的宪章问题。In this year 1817 two things were popular: the voltaire-touquet and the snuff-box a la charter.


人民宪章 people''s charter

劳动宪章 labor charter

各国经济权利和义务宪章 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States

国际贸易宪章 International Trade Charter

国际贸易机构宪章 charter for an international trade organization

国际贸易组织宪章 Charter for International Trade Organization

圣萨尔瓦多宪章 San Salvador Charter

宪章 charter; constitution

宪章宗旨 purpose of the Charter

宪章审查 charter review

宪章派 Chartists

宪章确认书 charter confirmation

宪章运动 Chartism

波哥大宪章 Bogota Charter

老宪章波本威酒 Old Charter

联合国宪章 the charter of the united nations

英国大宪章 the great charter

非洲宪章 African Charter

