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去度假的英文翻译 去度假英文怎幺说 去度假的英文例句



[qù dùjià]

    take a vacation

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

vacation [vә'keiʃ(ә)n; (-) vei-]

    n.假期,休假,(房屋等的)腾出 v.度假,休假


对许多人来说,去度假是一种逃避现实的方法。For many people going on holiday is a form of escapism.格雷厄姆这星期出去度假了。Graham's away on holiday this week.你的医生去度假了,让替代她的大夫给你看病行吗?Your doctor is on holiday--would you like to see her locum?你要去度假吗?Are you going away on holiday?去度假前,把你的珠宝小心锁好。Take good care to lock away your jewellery before going away on holiday.他们到湖区去度假了。They went to the lake district for vacation.她喜欢在山地远足,经常到威尔士去度假。She enjoys hill-walking and often spends her holidays in wales.我们过去总是在度假季节的季末去度假。We always used to go on holiday at the fag end of the holiday season.我们去度假时把狗送到养狗场寄养We put the dog into kennel when we went on holiday.我们去度假时把狗送到养狗场寄养。We put the dog into kennel when we go on holiday.有些家庭在期中假时去度假,不过很多人呆在家里。Some families go on holiday at half term but many stay at home.他去度假轻鬆一下。He went on holiday to wind down.我到马拉喀什去度假。I went to marrakesh for a holiday.我想只有傻瓜才会在他仃l去度假时替他们照看小猫。I suppose muggins will have to look after the cat when they go on holiday.


去度假 go home for holidays

