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趋的英文翻译 趋英文怎幺说 趋的英文例句



    to hasten
    to hurry
    to walk fast

hasten [heis(ә)n]


hurry [hʌri]

    v.(使)赶紧,(使)匆忙,加速 n.匆忙,仓促


他思忖,这是时代的趋势。It was a sign of the times he thought.位于趋向,或朝向一国的内地或高地地In to or toward the upcountry.一切的声响都趋沉寂,一切噪音都化作柔和的音乐。Every sound was muffled every noise changed to some thing soft and musical.一些趋势现在似乎清晰了。Some trends now seem clear.


一般趋势 general trend

一般趋势地 climatically

上升趋势 upward trend

上涨的趋势 upward tendency

上涨趋势 rising tendency

下跌趋势 downward tendency

下跌趋向 downward trend

下降趋势 falling tendency; downward trend; falling trend; downward tendency

不变趋势 constant trend

世界人口趋势 world population trends

中心恢复趋势 central restoring tendency

中断趋势 broken trend

主要趋势 prevailing trend

事物的趋势,事物的演进 course of events

二级趋势 secondary trend

亦步亦趋 dance to her tune; dance to his tune; dance to my tune; dance to our tune; dance to their tune; dance to your tune; follow a lead

人口增长趋势 trend of population growth

人口结构和人口变化的趋向 demographic trend

人口趋势 population trend

人口趋势指标 indicators of demographic trend

以趋向无穷大为极限 approach infinity as a limit

价格稳定趋降 price rigidity in the downward

价格趋于价值 make) prices approach value

价格趋势 price tendency

价格趋涨 upward price trend

价格趋稳 harden

价格趋落,价格趋跌 downward price trend

价格趋跌 downward price trend

价格趋跌市场 falling market

价格趋跌的市场 falling market

