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于2130里程距离兴建梯形渠及u渠Construction of trapezoidal channel and u-channel at ch2130于2区建造梯形渠作为部份临时排水系统Construction of trapezoidal channel as part of the temporary drain at zone2


个别行销通路系统,个别行销管道系统 individualistic marketing channel system

井渠结合灌溉 combined irrigation by surface and groundwater运用井、渠工程进行地表水与地下水统一调度实施联合灌溉。

交流管道 channel of communication

交通渠化 channelization

产品销售管道 marketing channels for products

人员沟通通路,人员流动管道 personal channel

人工管道 artificial channel

资讯交流管道 channel of communication

农渠 sublateral canal

农田排水渠 agricultural drain

分水渠 diversion canal或diversion channel; diversion cut

分洪渠 diversion canal或diversion channel

分流渠 drainage dischatge channel

分配流通管道 channel of distribution

分配管道 channel of distribution

分配路线,分配管道,分配通道 distribution channels

分配销售管道密度 distribution channel density

分配销售管道带头人 distribution channel captain

分配销售管道系统 distribution channel system

单管道系统 single-channel system

双向交流管道 two way communication channel

双渠价格 dual channel prices

双管道推销 dual channels of distribution

商业管道 trade channel

商品流通管道 channels of commodity circulation; commodity circulation channels

商品流通管道中的巨头 channel captain

地下渠 underground canal

增加流通管道 multiply the channels of circulation

外交管道 diplomatic channel

多管道、少环节、开放的商品流通体系 open commodity circulation system with many-channeled system-with as few levels as possible

