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现时的英文翻译 现时英文怎幺说 现时的英文例句



[xiàn shí]


current [kʌrәnt]

    adj.当前的,通用的,流通的,现在的,草写的,最近的 n.涌流,趋势,电流,水流,气流


现时烧硷产量已增至每月7500公吨。Currently the capacity of caustic soda has increased to7500tons per month.现时正为另一电脑公司担任独家代理。We currently have the sole agency for.摘要山东茶区是中国现时最北的茶区。Shandong tea cultivation area is the northernmost one in china.这种情况也反映出现时以一手市场交投为主的趋势。This also reflects the current dominance of primary market activity.只是这次再出现时却已是隔天早上,只剩下尸块散落在岸边。This time only to reappear the next morning in pieces on the shore.


再现时间 recurrence time

出现时间 epoch

发现时间 discovery time

失效未发现时间 undetected failure time

按现时购买编制的财务报表 current purchasing power statement

按现时费率计算 at current costs

按现时费率计算,按现时成本计算 at current costs

期望再现时间 expected recurrence time

特别物价指数现时重置成本 current specific-price index replacement cost

现时交通量 current traffic

现时价值 market value

现时价值因素 present worth factor

现时价格 up-to-date price

现时值,现行价值 current value

现时佔有的地产 present estate

现时佔有的财产收益 present interest

现时可达到标準 currently attainable standards

现时可达标準 currently attainable standards

现时安排 current arrangement

现时已婚生育率指标 index of current marriage fertility

现时市价 current market price

现时成本,现在成本 current cost

现时投入 current input

现时数据 current data

现时无形资产 current intangibles

现时水準 current level

现时生命表 current life table

现时用户 active user

现时的位置显示器 present position indicator

现时盈余 current earnings

