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坚守的英文翻译 坚守英文怎幺说 坚守的英文例句




    to hold fast to
    to stick to

hold [hәuld]

    n.把握,把持力,柄,控制,监禁,掌握,货舱 vt.拿着,保存,支援,佔据,持有,拥有 vi.支持,保持,有效 n.控制,保留

fast [fa:st; (-) fæst]

    adj.紧的,牢的,忠实的,快速的,耐久的,紧的 adv.牢固地,很快地,紧紧地,彻底地 n.禁食,绝食,斋戒 vi.绝食,斋戒


决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷盗,坚守公平交易。Never lie cheat or steal always strike a fair deal.决不撒谎,欺瞒或偷窃,坚守公平交易。N ever lie cheat or steal.always strike a fair deal.美军坚守住了巴斯托尼,这就决定了德军的命运。The american defense of bastogne sealed their fate.消防队说现在还有60多名消防队员和6辆卡车坚守在火场以应战任何突发的火势。Some60firefighters and six trucks remained at the site to battle any flare-up the fire brigade said.朝鲜的战舰依然在坚守,夫人North korean warships are standing firm ma'am.那可靠的老人还坚守着他的岗位,没有离开一步。The staunch old gentleman was still in his trust; had never left it.你应该坚守自己原则。You should hold your principle.他总是坚守工作岗位。He always stands tohis post.它令人难以置信地英勇坚守。It held out with incredible valour.我会坚守我的承诺。I will strick to my promise.


他们坚守岗位 remain at their post

他坚守岗位 remain at his post

你们坚守岗位 remain at your post

坚守 keep to

坚守岗位 stand to her guns; stand to one''s guns; stick to her post; stick to his post; stick to my post; stick to our post; stick to their post; stick to your post

坚守阵地 stick by your guns; stood to my guns

她坚守岗位 remain at her post

我们坚守岗位 remain at our post

我坚守岗位 remain at my post

