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集结的英文翻译 集结英文怎幺说 集结的英文例句




    to accumulate
    to mass

accumulate [ә'kju:mjuleit]


mass [mæs]

    n.块,大多数,品质,群众,大量 adj.群众的,大规模的,集中的 vt.使集合 vi.聚集


一支非常强大的舰队集结在海湾的入口处。An enormously powerful fleet was concentrated at the entrance to the harbour.在岛的上空,云层在继续集结。Over the island the build-up of clouds continued.这些针锋相对的行动,是美国和前苏联核集结的真实写照。These tit-for-tat responses mirrored the nuclear buildup by the u.s.and the former soviet union指挥官重新集结其部属。The leader rallied his men.最近几周边境两侧都集结了大量部队。There has been a build-up of troops on both sides of the border in recent weeks.但是我们比丘的责任应该集结经典,留传后世。However we monastics shall be responsible for compiling the scriptures for future generations.西方强国正在集结他们的军事资源。Western powers are marshalling their military resources.


人口的集结 population concentration

使集结成 band in

分解集结法 decomposition-aggregation approach

子集结构 subset struchure

资料集结构 data set organization

模态集结 modal aggregation

淋巴集结 aggregate lymphatic nodule, Peyer''s patch又称"集合淋巴小结"、"派尔斑"。

系统的集结 aggregation of system

系统集结 system aggregation

经济集结模型 economy aggregate model

能量集结 energy build-up

链式集结 chained aggregation

集结 aggregation

集结待命地区 staging area

集结待命地区总管 staging area manager

集结性客流 aggregate passenger traffic

集结成 band into

集结时间 car detention time under accumulation

集结法 aggregation method

集结法 aggregation

集结矩阵 aggregation matrix

驳船集结区 barge fleeting area

黏粒集结体 clay domains黏粒在土层内就地位移,重新排列、集结而形成的纤维状或鳞片状光性定向黏粒形成物。

