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计较的英文翻译 计较英文怎幺说 计较的英文例句




    to bother about
    to haggle
    to bicker

bother [bɔðә(r)]

    vt.烦扰,打扰 vi.烦恼,操心 n.麻烦,烦扰 v.打扰

about [ә'baut]


haggle [hæg(ә)l]

    v.争价 n.争价


他全心全意为公众服务,从不计较个人得失。He serves the public wholeheartedly, regardless of his personal gain or loss.别理睬那种斤斤计较的人,这种人没安好心。Avoid any man who deals in micrograms, for he's up to no good.由于是个意外,所以茱莉就决定忍下这口气而不计较了。It was an accident so julie decided to grin and bear it rather than get angry.“迪米蒂是不会计较这些的,你知道,”思嘉说。"You know that wouldn't bother dimity" said scarlett.如果我们划掉他的名字谁会真的计较呢?Who will really care if we cross out his name?我现在不同你计较。I won't dispute with you now.又何必太计较呢?Why do we care for so much?你对房客的选择并不十分计较,我们讽刺地说。You weren's very particular about the roomers you took we said sarcastically.上帝降下愤怒之时斤斤计较,但?赐下广大恩典却是难以衡量。God gives his anger by weight but his mercy without measure.沃林顿有些惊讶,但没有计较乐师的奚落和愤怒。Warrington was curious and not ill pleased at the musician's taunts and irascibility.


不计较 show indifference to

善于讨价还价斤斤计较的人 shaver

计较 gave a hoot; give a hoot; given a hoot

