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求救的英文翻译 求救英文怎幺说 求救的英文例句




    to cry for help

cry [krai]

    vi.哭,流泪 v.叫,喊 n.哭泣,哭声,叫喊,喊声

help [help]

    n.帮忙,补救办法,助手,治疗,佣工 vt.帮助,助长,接济,治疗,款待 vi.有用,救命,招待 [计] 显示命令格式的简短概述


找到了navarro的求救旗Had navarro's blood chit on him.这个组员已经将他的求救旗扯了下来…And this rebel yanked the chit off his corpse...这幺多年来,发送你的求救信号To transmit your distress call all these years.这名遭受侵害的女孩一直被囚禁在一处暗堡中,直到她发出一条求救资讯而获救。The girl was held at a bunker until being rescued after sending a text message for help.这是一个求救信号…It's a distress call...“求救人,theodosius,东罗马皇帝,"From theodosius emperor of the east採矿飞船“红矮星号”紧急求救信号This is an sos distress call from the mining ship "red dwarf".船长就下令放一枪,作为求救的信号。Ordered to fire a gun as a signal of distress.当贫困的人在路上求救。While on her way to help underprivileged people.肯定有东西在为发射求救信号的装置提供能量Something had to be powering the distress beacon.求救,求救,空军总部:角洲一帝。收到了吗Mayday mayday air force delta you read us over?重複,求救,我们电子设备失灵了Repeat mayday we have lost avionics.


个人求救定位器 personal distress locator

个人求救装置 personal distress device

国际遇险求救电码 international distress code

求救信号 distress signal; GMDSS; SOS

求救信号装置 distress signal warning device

求救信标 rescue beacon

求救火警 additional alarm; greater alarm

求救频率 emergency frequency

自动求救信标 automatic rescue beacon

