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囚犯的英文翻译 囚犯英文怎幺说 囚犯的英文例句




    a prisoner
    a convict

prisoner [priznә(r)]

    adj.囚犯的 n.战俘

convict [kɔnvikt]

    vt.证明...有罪,宣告...有罪 n.罪犯


一个囚犯逃走了。A prisoner has broken out.一个囚犯委员会向监狱看守提交了一个罪行清单A committee of inmates presented a list of their grievances to the prison warden.一名囚犯的癔病性昏迷案例。A case of hysterical stupor in a prisoner in detention.用毒气将被定罪囚犯处死的房间。Room in which a convict prisoner is executed by poisonous gas.有人目睹那囚犯拿了钱。The prisoner was seen to take the money.


出狱囚犯保护所 home for discharged prisoners

刑期中的囚犯 termer

囚犯 convict; convict in prison; jail-bird; incarcerated individual; prison bird; prisoner

囚犯劳动营 work camp

囚犯工厂 prison factory

囚犯工厂 convict establishment

囚犯待遇 treatment of prisoners

囚犯待遇基本原则 basic principles of the treatment of prisoners

囚犯探访者 prison visitors

囚犯未曾判刑定罪的申诉 diversity of prisoners

囚犯生产的产品 convict goods; prison products

囚犯的心理治疗 psychological treatment of prisoners

囚犯集中营 prison camp

女囚犯 female prisoner

押送囚犯的警车 pie wagon

未决囚犯 prisoner on remand

模範囚犯 trusty

监狱中的囚犯操场 exercise yard

虐待囚犯 maltreatment of prisoners

释放囚犯 release a prisoner; set a prisoner free; unbind a prisoner; unfetter a prisoner

