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交通警察的英文翻译 交通警察英文怎幺说 交通警察的英文例句



[jiāotōng jǐngchá]

    traffic police
    abbr. to 交警

traffic [træfik]

    n.交通,通行,运输,贸易,交通量,交易,交往,通信量 vi.交易,买卖 vt.在...通行,用...作交换

police [pә'li:s]

    n.员警队,员警机关,公安部门 vt.管辖,维持治安 adj.员警的,有关员警的


    abbreviated,abbreviation 缩写


被交通警察拦下来或别的什幺事吗?Did a traffic cop stop you or something?大约再过五哩路就有一个交通警察埋伏抓超速车辆的地方There's a speed trap about five miles down the road大约再过五哩路就有一个交通警察埋伏抓超速车辆的地方。There's a speed trap about five mile down the road.简的丈夫李克是交通警察。Jane's husband li ke is a traffic policeman.交通警察非常有礼貌。Traffic police are sometimes very polite.交通警察很快就会发现。A traffic policeman will soon find it.交通警察指挥着交通车辆停下来让主席及其他官员的车辆通过。The traffic police stopped the traffic for the passing of the chairman's car and the top officials.交通警察总是很忙。Traffic police are always very busy.目前,俄罗斯绝大多数交通警察都为男性,他们往往在收受了贿赂后对违规者网开一面。The male-dominated traffic police routinely forgive traffic violations in exchange for bribes.那个女交通警察呢?And the girl traffic cop?瞧,交通警察在发信号呢。Look the traffic cop's signal.如果你的车子停错了地方,交通警察马上会发现。If you park your car in the wrong place a traffic policeman will soon find it.所以说连交通警察都可以变财神爷If the traffic police can become the fortune god小心,大约再过五英里路就有一个交通警察埋伏抓超速车辆的地方。Watch out. There's a speed trap about five miles down the road.

