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裘皮的英文翻译 裘皮英文怎幺说 裘皮的英文例句



[qiú pí]

    fur coat

fur [fә:(r)]


coat [kәut]

    n.外套,(动物的)皮毛,(植物的)表皮,(漆等的)层,涂层 vt.涂上,包上


她穿着一件新裘皮大衣,觉得自己非常漂亮。She was wearing a new fur coat and felt like a million dollars.简昨天买了一件裘皮大衣。Jane bought a fur coat yesterday.品种有:裘皮大衣、水洗猪鬃和半成品猪鬃、骨粉、羽毛粉、血粉。Both bone meal and blood meal give mourishing value as high as that of the imported fish meat.裘皮业的热门话题。The hot topics in fur industry.在迪士尼生动活泼的《101只花斑狗》里饰嗜好裘皮的克鲁拉•德维尔;As the fur hungry cruella de vil in the live action version of disney's101dalmatians;


串刀裘皮大衣 letout fur overcoat

人造裘皮 artificial fur simulated fur

仿裘皮长毛绒 peluche fourrure

化纤花式裘皮 fun fur

整皮裘皮大衣 whole-skin fur overcoat

旧裘皮 used fur

正面裘皮缝纫机 fur facing lashing machine

熟裘皮 dressed fur

猫裘皮 cat fur

生裘皮 raw fur

精艺裘皮 artistic fur

裘皮 designing fur fur

裘皮上衣 fur coat

裘皮製品 fur products

裘皮大衣 fur lined coat fur overcoat

裘皮女围巾 fur scarf for lady

裘皮女披肩 fur cape stole for lady

裘皮帽 fur hat

裘皮披肩 fur cape fur stole

裘皮披肩围巾 fur shawl scarf

裘皮挖花挂毯 designed fur tapestry

裘皮玩具 fur toy

裘皮短大衣 fur jacket

裘皮背心 fur vest

裘皮褥子 fur plate

裘皮靠垫 fur cushion

镶头裘皮 fur skin mounted with head

