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线杆的英文翻译 线杆英文怎幺说 线杆的英文例句



[xiàn gǎn]

    a telegraph pole

telegraph [teligra:f; (-) -græf]

    n.电报机,电报 v.打电报,发电报,打电报说

pole [pәul]

    n.棒,柱,杆,竿,极,磁极,电极 vt.用竿支撑,用棒推 vi.撑篙 Pole 波兰人


安装线杆双腕臂:Fixing for double cantilever on pole:电视天线杆在哪?Where is the television mast?孩子们被告诫不得在电线杆附近放风筝。The children were told they could not fly a kite near a telegraph pole.将长颈鹿系在电线杆或路灯是违法的。Against the law to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole or street lamp.宁夏同心暮色中,一个农民汉子爬上电线杆接驳电线。A farmer is climbing a telegraph pole to connect wires.汽车撞到了电线杆上。The car hit against the telephone pole.汽车撞在电线杆上。The car smashed into a telephone pole.他们竖起一根电线杆子。They erected a telephone pole.我把车撞上了电线杆I rocked my... around a telephone pole.我撞上了电线杆I've hit the telegraph pole.帐篷支柱、旗杆、电线杆A tent flag telegraph etc pole


伸缩套管式天线杆 collapsible mast

冰点基线杆尺 iced-bar apparatus

基线杆尺 base bar; rigid base bar

複式基线杆尺 duplex base-bar; duplicate base-bar

複接天线杆 compound antenna mast

多节套管天线杆 composite tubular mast

天线杆 antenna mast

电线杆 electricity pylon

补偿基线杆尺 compensating base-bar

