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球棍的英文翻译 球棍英文怎幺说 球棍的英文例句



[qiú gùn]

    (sport) club

sport [spɔ:t]

    n.运动,[pl.] 运动会

club [klʌb]

    n.俱乐部,夜总会,社,棍棒,(高尔夫球等的)球棒,(扑克牌)梅花 vt.棍打,协作,联合,把...当棍棒用

bat [bæt]

    n.蝙蝠,球棒 v.用球棒击球 [计] 批次档的副档名 [军] Basic Armor Training,装甲兵基础训练


带球:在使用球棍控制球的情况下移动。Dribble: to move while controlling the ball with the stick.那个男孩用一把小刀换了一个棒球棍。The boy traded his knife for a baseball bat.曲棍球球棍有两侧,左侧是平面,右侧为圆凸面。A hockey stick has two sides.the left side is flat and the right side is rounded.挑拨球:用球棍把球推挑至空中,也叫“高挑球”。Flick: to push the ball with the stick and raise it into the air: also called "scoop".我有一个曲棍球球棍L had a hockey stick left.想用棒球棍打我吗?My george foster big stick?一个军营室和棒球棍?A barrack room and a baseball bat?等等,美狄亚的场景里可没什幺棒球棍Wait. There's no baseball-bat scene in medea.告诉他是5号铁头球棍,他可以打得更容易Tell him it's a mashie so he can have one easy shot to-好吧,给我5号铁头球棍All right gimme the mashie.淘气的小孩和盔甲在在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶与铑被镀的曲棍球棍子。Puck and helmet in faceted clear crystal with rhodium-plated hockey stick.用金属的头代替了传统的木制杆头的高尔夫球棍。A golf club with a metal head instead of the traditional wooden head.有一个窄的金属头的高尔夫球棍。A golfclub that has a relatively narrow metal head.


檯球棍 billiard cue

曲棍球棍 hockey stick

