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[qiú gòu]

    want to buy

want [wɔnt; (-) wɔ:nt]

    vt.想要,希望,需要,短缺,缺少 n.需要,短缺

buy [bai]

    v.买 n.购买,买卖


土耳其求购铝卷铝片。Buying aluminium coil and sheet.我们求购空调压缩机,请中国厂家与我们联繫。We are looking for air compressure in china if you have any experence for chrysler contact us pls.伊朗求购人造皮革盒。Buying artificial leather attache case and briefcase.韩国买家求购氧气感测器,Oxygen sensor for kia nissan peugeot南非公司大量求购藏红花。We have buy inquiries for saffron.求购蔬菜水果切片机,Vegetable and fruit slicer importers桑普多利亚和那不勒斯正在努力求购罗马前锋蒙特拉。Sampdoria and napoli are moving for roma striker vincenzo montella.我们求购适用于运动场的洋槐、柚木、一级洋槐和塑化木。We are going to buy robinia teak or class1level of robinia or plastic wood for playground use.乌克兰求购矿泉水设备。Buying equipment for mineral water plant.香港公司求购,望有实力的厂家或供应商儘快与我公司联繫。We have a germany customer who is looking for step stool as per photo.伊朗求购半自动橡胶机械。Buying signode semi automatic strapping machine.印度求购纺织印刷机。Buying tie up for digital textile printing machine.


严格按需求购买 purchasing strictly by requirement

美国政府要求购用美国货的规定 buy at home reles for government purchases

美国政府要求购用美国贷的规定 buy american

