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桨的英文翻译 桨英文怎幺说 桨的英文例句




oar [ɔ:(r)]


paddle [pæd(ә)l]

    n.短桨,划桨,明轮翼 vi.划桨,戏水,涉水 vt.用桨划,搅,拌


这架西科尔斯基号直升飞机悄无声息地在沙丘上空盘旋,螺旋桨把细沙吹下了斜坡。Soundlessly the sikorski circled the dunes its fans driving the fine sand down the slopes.这只船用六把桨划。This boat rows six oars.猪喜欢在泥桨中打滚。Pigs enjoy wallowing in mud.坠机事件是由一个螺旋桨叶的金属疲劳造成的。The crash was caused by metal fatigue in one of the propeller blades.自学和自我更新能力是“划向未来的双桨”。Self-educated and self-renewed capability are the double oars rowed to the future;


三叶螺旋桨 n. three bladed propeller

三螺旋桨船 n. triple screw vessel

两人合划一桨 double bank

两头桨 double paddle

串列螺旋桨 tandem propeller

串置螺旋桨 n. tandem propellers

主机系泊试验专用螺旋桨 club thpe propeller

主螺旋桨 main screw

举桨致敬 toss oars

以致不能及时收起划第二桨 catch a crab

停桨 easy all

偶数桨叶螺旋桨 even bladed propeller

全回转舵桨拖轮 harbour tug with rudder propeller

全空泡螺旋桨 fully cavitaing propeller

共轴螺旋桨 n. tandem propellers

减低降速螺旋桨 rotochute

划桨 pull across; rowing oar

划桨手 puller

划桨救生艇 oarpropelled lifeboat

划桨船 row boat

划船人.桨手 n. rower

刷胶桨器 n. cementer

前桨手 bowman

单人单桨小艇 canoesingle

单桨单舵船 single screw and rudder vessel

单桨直升飞机 single-rotor helicopter

单螺施桨船 n. single screw vessel

单螺旋桨轮船 single-screw steamer

双人四桨小艇 cockboat

双划桨的 double banked

