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请示的英文翻译 请示英文怎幺说 请示的英文例句




    to ask for instructions

ask [a:sk]

    vi.询问,问,要求 vt.问,要求,需要,邀请


不请示老闆而解雇高级职员, 罪近欺君Firing senior staff without reference to the boss comes pretty close to lese-majeste.法官请示法律顾问允许被告说明细节。The judge asked counsel for the defence to explain his point.她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去。She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors.他做任何事都要首先请示他老婆—他是个十足的“妻管严”。He never does anything without asking his wife first—he's a completely hen-pecked husband.请示範机器的使用方法。Please demonstrate how the machine works.你不必向我请示可自行做些变动。You don't need my say-so to change things.探测不到潜艇,请示再次扫描Asdic reports lost contact with u-boat.request another sweep.外交部经请示后予以核准。The foreign office was duly consulted and gave its nihil obstat.在金犊之前所崇拜时,他有没有要求一个请示书呢?Prostrate before the golden calf did he call for a referendum?这个我自己决定不了,独请示请示上边儿"I can't decide on it personally I have to ask the top kick"这个我自己决定不了,我得请示上边儿。I can't decide on it personally. I have to ask the top kick.


单请示者终端程式 single requester terminal program

拍电请示 wire for instruction

服务请示中断 service request interrupts

行政请示 administrative request for instruction

请示 submit sth to sb''s

请示中央主管部门 local authorities must) refer everything to the central ministries

请示书 referendum

