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下令的英文翻译 下令英文怎幺说 下令的英文例句




    to give an order
    to command

give [giv]

    n.弹性,可弯性 vt.给,授予,供给,献出,让步,引起,发表,捐助 vi.捐赠,让步

order [ɔ:dә(r)]

    n.次序,顺序,正常(工作)状态,秩序,会议规则,命令,定购,定单 vt.命令,定购,定制

command [kә'ma:nd; (-) kә'mænd]

    n.命令,掌握,司令部 v.命令,指挥,克制,支配,博得,俯临


那幺seward应该是能下令取消的人Then seward would be the person to call it off.你要我下令击沉那艘潜艇You're asking me to sink the submarine?他下令枪决5名无武装的、未经审讯的囚犯。He ordered the shooting of five unarmed untried prisoners.他下令释放这个俘虏。He ordered the prisoner to be released.他于1942年2月下令批准这次围捕。He gave the order in february1942authorizing the roundup.维克多下令把他关在这里Tanis has been hiding there since viktor's order.乌国总统库契马已经下令禁止使用军机从事任何表演活动。Ukraine president kuchma had ordered a ban on any air flight show by military planes.五角大楼下令在华盛顿周围部署地对空导弹Pentagon orders deployment of surface-to-air missiles around washington下令封锁陆地边境、国界江河的有关区域;Giving orders to blockade relevant sections of the border and frontier water course;


下令 give orders for; give the word for

下令出动 order out

下令开始工作 give orders for the work to be started

下令把...调往前线 order up

下令把部队调往前线 order up

