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掀的英文翻译 掀英文怎幺说 掀的英文例句



    to lift (a lid)
    to rock
    to convulse

lift [lift]

    n.举起,电梯,起重机,搭车 vt.升高,提高,举起,空运 vi.升起,(指雾等)消散,耸立

lid [lid]

    n.盖子,限制,眼睑 vt.给...盖盖子

rock [rɔk]

    n.岩石,暗礁,石头,摇动 vt.摇摆,使动摇 vi.摇,摇动


就这个问题掀起了一场激烈的辩论。This question set off a fierce debate.飓风掀起的巨浪跃过了四十一号公路。The storm surge swept in over route41.马可Ⅱ计画在公布1周内便在$tg掀起了骚动。During the week after its release the mark ii plan had stg buzzing.那天夜里,狂风掀翻了穀仓的顶,狗儿也吠叫起来。At that night the strong wind unroofed the barn and a dog barked.他们掀起一阵抢购浪潮。They started a wave of buying.她不追求潮流,却常在偶然间掀起波澜。She does not pursue the tidal current but always raises the mighty waves accidentally.我就掀翻这张桌子I'm going to tip this table over.掀起充满沙尘烟云的风暴。A windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand.汹涌的波涛掀翻了划艇。The rough waves capsized the rowboat.左侧可见骨膜被掀起。At the left the periosteum is being lifted off.


把...掀掉 hurl down

掀板机 opening machine

掀起 heave into

