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县的英文翻译 县英文怎幺说 县的英文例句




county [kaunti]



县美国一州的行政分支An administrative subdivision of a state in the united states.县域资金为何大量流出?Why does money in county areas flow out?


义县组 Yixian Formation

副县长 deputy county magistrate

区县局办的集体企业 collective enterprises run by counties or municipal districts; county or district-run collective enterprises

县 county; prefecture

县人民代表大会 county people''s congress

县人民政府 county people''s government

县人民检察院 county people''s procuratorate

县人民法院 county people''s court

县公路 county highway简称"县道"。

县司法行政官 sheriff

县图 couaty map

县城 county seat

县域规划 countyregional planning

县处级干部 cadre at the county or division level; government employee at the county or division level

县检察官 county attorney

县法院 county court

县法院开庭期 county sessions

县界 co Bdy; county boundary; county line

县监牢 county jail

县监狱 county penitentiary; county prison

县级人民检察院 people''s procuratorate at the county level

县级人民法院 people''s court at the county level

县级副职 deputy position at the county level

县级正职 chief position at the county level

县辖联行往来 interbank transfers between counties

县长 county head; county magistrate; head of a county; prefect

州县区划示意图 county diagram

市管县 counties under the jurisdiction of a municipality

户县农民画 peasant painting of Huxian county

房县黑木耳 Fangxian black fungus

