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喜爱的英文翻译 喜爱英文怎幺说 喜爱的英文例句




    to like
    to love
    to be fond of

like [laik]

    n.爱好,同样的人(或物) adj.相似的,同样的 vt.喜欢,希望,愿意 vi.喜欢,希望 prep.象,如同 adv.可能

love [lʌv]

    n.爱,热爱,爱情,爱好,性爱,情人,零 vt.爱,热爱,爱好,爱慕 vi.爱


她是罗塞蒂最喜爱的模特儿之一。She was one of rossetti's favourite models.喜爱的球队失利,他禁不住跌足捶胸。He could not help stamping on the ground when his favorite ball team fell behind.喜爱管教的,就是喜爱知识。恨恶责备的,却是畜类。Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.喜爱品尝一块含混!Enjoy and savor one piece of fudge!原初主义艺术家俱有或喜爱质朴、直率、未受教育影响风格的艺术家,如油画家An artist having or affecting a simple direct unschooled style as of painting.在耶诞节人人都喜爱槲寄生。Everyone loves mistletoe at christmas.坐冰橇是最受旅游爱好者喜爱的一项活动。Coasting on ice in a sled is a favourite sport of holiday-makers.


为...所喜爱 be in someone''s good books

使...喜爱 caught the fancy of; take the fancy of

使受喜爱 endear to

十分喜爱 lose my heart to

受...喜爱 endear herself to; endear himself to; endear myself to; endear ourselves to; endear themselves to; endear yourself to; endear yourselves to

受喜爱 popular with

喜爱 favored; got on the right side of; like; take a fancy to; take to his heart

失去...喜爱 get in wrong with

对甜食的喜爱 sweet tooth

是...最喜爱的 be a favourite with

渐渐使人喜爱 grew on; grown on

特别喜爱的 be high on

过分喜爱 dote on; dote upon

非常喜爱 be crazy about; take someone to one''s heart

