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齐全的英文翻译 齐全英文怎幺说 齐全的英文例句





complete [kәm'pli:t]

    adj.全部的,完全的,完成的 vt.完成,使完善


所生产的五金车件品种齐全,技艺精湛。A hardware for producing car a species is well-found the technical skill is consummate.它们的大小尺码齐全。They are of all sizes.我们的产品规格齐全。Our products are complete in specifications.我们拥有最齐全的产品线和最新颖的款式等待您的选择!We own the most well-found product line to wait for your choice with the most novel style!这个令人愉快的小屋的厨房配备了包括洗碗机在内的齐全的现代化生活设备。The kitchen of thes delightful cottage is fully equipped with all mod cons including a dishwasher.这家商店货物齐全。This shop has a satisfactory variety of goods.自有高低线路、变压器等配套齐全。From have the well-found kits such as high and low circuit and transformer.etc.


使...装备齐全 kit up

準备齐全 in readiness

品种齐全 great variety of goods

品种齐全地 in whole ranges

居住设备齐全 be well accommodated

招待设备齐全 be well accommodated

花色齐全 nice selection

装备齐全的船 n. full-rigged ship

设备齐全 be well found in

设备齐全的 self contained

设备齐全的办公室 adequately furnished and equipped offices

设备齐全的试验室 equipped laboratory

货色齐全 goods of every description are available

配备齐全的 well appointed

门类齐全 industrial system which is) complete in range; number of industrial) departments has increased

