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下子的英文翻译 下子英文怎幺说 下子的英文例句



[xià zǐ]



他们扬言要一下子取消整个专案。They threaten to cancel the whole project at a stroke.他一下子就沉到了池底。He soon sinks to the bottom.他用刀子一下子把信裁开了。He ripped the letter open with a knife.她一下子就翻了一个跟头。She performed a somersault with ease ie easily.约翰一下子就把船开来了,和风帮了他的忙。John came up with the ship hand over head the moderate breeze giving him an advantage.这个混乱的政治气候一下子将银河系带入了一个黑暗的时代。This chaotic political climate precipitated the dark times that overcame the galaxy.这种事一下子就会过去的。It will pass away soon enough.


一下子 at a single blow; at one blow; at one fell swoop; at one go-off; at one moment; at one push; at one stroke; at one swoop; at one whack; in one go; in two shakes

一下子作出结论 leap to a conclusion

一下子剪断 snip off

一下子就 at a scoop; in one scoop

一下子把事情对付过去 slide over a matter

一下子白白浪费掉了 be whisked out the window

下子午圈 lower branch

下子座 hypostroma

在...努力一下子 make a stab at; take a stab at

有两下子 have it in one

