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下院的英文翻译 下院英文怎幺说 下院的英文例句



[xià yuàn]

    lower house (of parliament)

lower [lәuә(r)]

    adj.较低的,下级的,下等的,下游的 vi.降低,跌落,减弱 vt.放下,降下,减弱,贬低

house [haus]

    n.房子,住宅,库房,机构,家庭,家族,议院,剧场 vt.给...房子住,收藏,覆盖 vi.住,躲藏(up)

parliament [pa:lәmәnt]



这位下院议员的对手们把她的演讲当作赤裸裸的竞选之举而不予理会。The m.p.'s speech was dismissed by her opponents as crude electioneering.报纸谴责反叛的下院议员背信弃义。The newspapers have branded the rebel mp disloyal.代表奥尔德姆西区的工党下院议员。The labour mp for oldham west.隔开下院两边席位的并通过其议会厅的场地。Space running across the chamber divide the bench on either side of the house of commons.儘管斯蒂恩出身低微,他却成为了一名下院议员。Despite his humble origins steen went on to become a mamber of parliament.塞里奥克的下院议员The member of parliament for selly oak下院或上院中的公众席。Public gallery in the house of commons or house of lord.下院议员抱怨一些右翼分子的阻碍行为。Private member complain of the obstructive behaviour of some right-wingers.下院议员企图阻止议案的通过。Mps attempt to obstruct the passage of the bill.下院中在前座后供普通议员坐的位置Seat in the house of commons behind the front bench where ordinary member of parliament sit在英国议会,下院议员投票时被分为“赞成者”和“反对者”两组。In the british parliament mps are divided into the ayes and the noes when they vote.


下院 lower chamber; lower house; the House

两院制议会的下院 legislative assembly

英国下院的预算委员会 committee of supply

