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咀嚼的英文翻译 咀嚼英文怎幺说 咀嚼的英文例句




    to chew
    to think over

chew [tʃu:]

    vt.咀爵(食物等) v.咀嚼,认真考虑

think [θiŋk]

    v.想,思索,认为 vt.认为,以为,预料

over [әuvә(r)]

    adv.结束,越过,从头到尾 prep.在...之上,越过 adj.上面的 vt.额外的东西,越过 n.额外的东西


目的:应用有限元方法分析咀嚼肌牵动的下颌骨应力状态。To analyse stress state of mandible pulled by masticatory muscles.深色的小蛾子,有善于咀嚼的口器。Small dull-colored moth with chewing mouthparts.他咀嚼着满口的肉。He chewed a mouthful of meat.他甚至学会了咀嚼烟叶。He even learned to chew tobacco.它们反刍时,就会将食物重新咀嚼,于是就释放出气体。When they chew their cud they regurgitate some food to rechew it and all this gas comes out.她在咀嚼着的留兰香糖的芳香。The smell of the spearmint she was chewing.橡皮乳头婴儿吮吸或咀嚼的橡皮或塑胶乳头或橡皮环A rubber or plastic nipple or teething ring for a baby to suck or chew on.有适于咀嚼的口器和四个网状的大膜翅膀的昆虫。Insect having biting mouthparts and four large membranous wings with netlike veins.有自助餐里面的水果,咀嚼烟草,狗粪It's a smorgasbord of juicy fruit chewing tobacco dog poo.


咀嚼 mastication

咀嚼叶 masticatory lobe

咀嚼器 gizzard

咀嚼器 gizzard

咀嚼型 masticatory pattern

咀嚼式口器 biting mouthparts=chewing mouthparts)咀嚼式口器

咀嚼迴圈 masticatory cycle, chewing cycle

咀嚼效能 masticatory efficiency

咀嚼片剂 chewable tablet

咀嚼生理学 masticatory physiology

咀嚼用 chewing

咀嚼粘膜 masticatory mucosa

咀嚼系统 masticatory system

咀嚼肌 muscle of mastication

咀嚼运动 masticatory movement

津津有味地咀嚼 munch on

细细咀嚼 chew up

连续咀嚼 chew away

