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穷途的英文翻译 穷途英文怎幺说 穷途的英文例句



[qióng tú]

    dead end

dead [ded]

    adj.死的,无感觉的,呆板的,不流动的,(语言、习惯)废弃了的,熄灭的 n.死者 adv.完全地,绝对的,突然的

end [end]

    n.末端,尽头,结束,目标,限度,梢,末端,死亡 v.结束,终结,终止


在海难事件中丧失一切的海员说,他已经面临穷途末路了。The sailor who had lost everything by shipwreck said that he was thrown on his beam-ends.当时,人们普遍要求和平,政府已是穷途末路。The government was driven to the last ditch by the universal call for peace.他们在悲惨的穷途末路。They are in a dire extremity.这次反攻仅仅存在于这位穷途末路的独裁者的狂热的脑海中。The counterattack existed only in the feverish mind of the desperate dictator.


到穷途末路 to the last extremity

穷途末路 be at the end of her rope; be at the end of his rope; be at the end of my rope; be at the end of our rope; be at the end of their rope; be at the end of your rope; end of the line; end of the road

