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觉察的英文翻译 觉察英文怎幺说 觉察的英文例句




    to sense
    to perceive
    to come to realize

sense [sens]

    n.官能,感觉,判断力,见识,...感,意义,理性 vt.感到,理解,认识

perceive [pә'si:v]

    vt.察觉 v.感知,感到,认识到


难以觉察的气温下降;轻轻的点头;颜色是不能被触觉感觉的。An imperceptible drop in temperature;~ an imperceptible nod; color is unperceivable to the touch.你觉察到莎莉最近心情不好吗?Do you realize sally is not happy these days?他发现自己有一种未被觉察的、长时间受压抑的对欢乐的追求。He discovered in himself an unsuspected long repressed appetite for pleasure.他觉察到田地那边远处有一点黄光。He became aware of a yellow light far across the fields.她从卫兵身边溜过而未被觉察。She slipped past the guard unobserved.我觉得她肯定觉察到了什幺I'm sure she sensed something我们越是忙碌,越能强烈地感受到我们是在生活,越能觉察到生命的存在。The busierwe are the moro acutely we feelthat we live the more consciouswe are of life.我是否觉察到那第一个出于礼貌而强忍住的哈欠?Do I sense the first polite suppression of a yawn?这情况露丝无法觉察。The situation was obscured to ruth.


特徵觉察器 feature detector

觉察 perception

觉察到 aware of; be awoke to; waken to

觉察危险迫近 see a red light

觉察时间 detection time

觉察现实 perceived reality

