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下飞机的英文翻译 下飞机英文怎幺说 下飞机的英文例句



[xià fēijī]

    to get off a plane
    to deplane

get [get]

    vt.获得,变成,收穫,使得,挣得,受到(惩罚,打击等),染上,抓住 vi.到达,成为,变得 n.生殖,幼兽

plane [plein]

    n.平面,飞机,水準,程度,刨 adj.平的,平面的 v.刨,刨平

deplane [di:'plein]



飞行员带着降落伞勇敢地跳下飞机。The airman boldly jump from the airplane with his parachute.那是飞行员在放下飞机起落架的声音。我们一定是就要着陆了。你害怕吗?It is the pilot putting the wheel down. We must be coming into land. Are you frightened?拆下飞机残骸的零件以便修理另一飞机时使用Cannibalize a wrecked airplane for a replacement of parts in another plane到希思罗机场的乘客请在此下飞机。Passengers for heathrow please alight here.该旅游团将在德里下飞机。The party will deplane at delhi.我们还来得及让你在联合车站下飞机We cld still drop you at union station.我们下飞机时,汽车将在等我们。The car will be waiting for us when we alight from the plane.我也没见过一个劫机者会先让乘客下飞机的I've never heard of a hijacker letting passengers deboard before.在护卫舰的保护下飞机正飞往釜山The plane is heading back to pusan under fighter escort.伞兵在跳下飞机后,在半空中打开了降落伞。The paratrooper opened the parachute in mid air after he had jumped out of the plane.我在三藩市下飞机,纽约证券交易所下降了30点。I landed in san francisco and the nyse fell30points.舷梯已经放好。现在您可以拿着行李下飞机了。The ramp has just been put in its you can get your belongings and disembark.

