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下唇的英文翻译 下唇英文怎幺说 下唇的英文例句



[xià chún]

    lower lip

lower [lәuә(r)]

    adj.较低的,下级的,下等的,下游的 vi.降低,跌落,减弱 vt.放下,降下,减弱,贬低

lip [lip]



唉!您为什幺这样咬着您的下唇呢?Alas why gnaw you so your nether lip?随意叼挂在她下唇上的一枝香烟。The cigarette hanging carelessly from her lower lip.他的下唇有点噘起His lower lip was kind of pouty...他用牙咬着下唇。He-ried his lower lip with his teeth.她的下唇不快地向前伸着。Her lower lip protruded sulkily.她的下唇颤抖着,像要哭了。Her lower lip trembled as if she was bout to cry.下唇唇形花冠的唇状分裂物中的一个One of the liplike divisions of a labiate corolla.下唇很大,也许有2到3釐米Lower lip very large.maybe two or three centimeters.用浅色提亮下唇突出的位置。一般都在下唇中部。Use light colours to brighten up the extruded place of the lower lip.usually at the middle.勃克•穆利根开始刮下唇底下凹陷的部位。Buck mulligan attacked the hollow beneath his underlip.海恩斯把沾在下唇上的一些烟叶屑抹掉后才说话。Haines detached from his underlip some fibres of tobacco before he spoke.她把一小片香烟纸从下唇上抹去。She removed a fragment of cigarette paper from her underlip.


下唇 labium

下唇动脉 inferior labial artery

下唇正中裂 median lower lip cleft

下唇神经节 labial ganglion下唇神经球

下唇系带 frenulum of lower lip

下唇线 lower lip line, low lip line

下唇腺 labial gland下唇腺

下唇静脉 inferior labial veins, veins of lower lip

下唇须 labial palp下唇鬚

下颚下唇複合体 labio maxillary complex小颚下唇複合体下颚下唇複合体)

先天性下唇瘘管 congenital fistulas of lower lip

降下唇肌 depressor labii inferioris

