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绝地的英文翻译 绝地英文怎幺说 绝地的英文例句



[jué dì]

    danger spot
    Jedi (in Star Wars)

danger [deindʒә(r)]


spot [spɔt]

    n.班点,污点,地点,场所,现场 v.沾汙,弄髒,侦察 vt.认出,发现

star [sta:(r)]



她滔滔不绝地对我说有关她丈夫外遇的事。She gave me an earful about her husband's infidelities.滔滔不绝地说远离债权人。Hold forth to talk at great length.哇,那位副总统肯定又滔滔不绝地讲一大堆废话。Wow that vice president guy can sure dish out the guff!西斯和绝地武士在几乎所有方面都相似The sith and the jedi are similar in almost everyway...在绝地长老会议事厅等我们回来Wait in the council chamber until we'll return.别再继续当绝地长老会手中的小卒子!Don't continue to be a pawn of the jedi council!哪个家伙让我烦得要死。他总滔滔不绝地讲他的过去。That guy bores me to death.he never stops taking about his past history.如果我们能使他谈谈他最得意的话题,他会滔滔不绝地谈几个小时。If we can set him off on his pet subject he will go on for hours.他正滔滔不绝地谈论着河堤被侵蚀的问题。He was holding forth about riverbank erosion.她会滔滔不绝地反复诉说她的帐单和责任。She will then reel off a litany of bills and responsibilities.远离尘世,隐居与世隔绝地处于或好象处于修道院中;隔离To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude.


断绝地 broken ground; closed country; cross country; intersected country; rough area; rough country; rough ground; rugged topography

滔滔不绝地 right off the reel; straight off the reel; with fluency; with volubility

滔滔不绝地发表激昂演说 laid off

滔滔不绝地对...说 yap at

滔滔不绝地背诵 reel off

滔滔不绝地表达 gush forth

滔滔不绝地讲 given it mouth

滔滔不绝地讲话 spout off

滔滔不绝地讲述 rattle off

滔滔不绝地说 talk one''s head off

滔滔不绝地谈论 gush about; gush over

隔绝地遗嘱 will from isolated place

